Welcome!! Start Here…
What is Rise to RICH all about?
Who am I?
Starting at the Beginning
Starting at the beginning
RISE Audit -Current Life Level Work sheet
RISE Plan – Workbook
What Now?
Chapter 1: R – Restrictions of your Mind
What is “Rich” and why we convince ourselves we are not worthy.
Blocks, Sabotages & Excuses
Lack of Direction
The Underdog
Slaying the Underdog.
Fear of Failure
Fear of Failure Worksheet
Fear of Success
Fear of Success Worksheet
The “I Can’t” or “I am not Good Enough”
The Conservative “Maybe”
Goal Setting
S.M.A.R.T Goal Worksheet
Wrap Up.
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The Family & Friends Hub
The Home & Environment Hub
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The Fun & Recreation Hub
The Career/Business Hub
The Health & Wellbeing Hub
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